Saturday, 9 May 2015

Target Market

The first thing I wanted to look at in terms of target market was recent mentions of my chosen book. For this, I looked at the 2013 rendition of the movie The Evil Dead - this was a horror movie about the summoning of a demon from the Necronomicon known as the abomination. The Necronomicon in this movie was not the same Necronomicon which I have chosen to illustrate however it was the Witchcraft and Spells edition which was also written by HP Lovecraft.

Those interested in the Necronomicon, however, would be more likely to stumble across the Collection of Bizarre Tales edition that I have chosen to illustrate as it is much easier to gain a copy of this book than it is the alternative. For this, I wanted to look at illustrating this book for the audience of The Evil Dead.

I could not, however, find an official figure and statistic of the target audience of The Evil Dead and simply had to go on my own observations during the viewing of the film. I personally saw this movie whilst it was out during its cinema showings - at this time, I noted that the audience was completely comprised of young adults - if there were any older audiences I did not see them, so it is fair to assume that the demographic mainly relied on young adults.

This movie, for starters, offered an 'Easter egg' after the credits for fans of the older The Evil Dead (1981) which was more of a comical reference [in which Ash, the previous protagonist, says 'Groovy', an inside joke for the bigger fans] - from this, I wanted to offer a more approachable vibe to my illustrations. I had always aimed to unnerve the audience and confusion is a good way to do this. Cute or funny subject matters tend to make the scariest subjects once twisted in a more macabre way. It will be harder for me to figure out how exactly to combine these two aspects. 

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