Monday, 2 March 2015

Publishing Facts and Figures

Source of the following information: Publishing Facts and Figures

The publishing industry in the UK is estimated to provide 231,000 jobs in the creative economy in 2013 (a figure that is expected to have risen into 2015). The UK has the second most productive publishing industry in Europe, one of the largest in the world, and London is considered a world leading publishing centre.

The UK customer publishing industry is the most developed in the world, with a turnover exceeding £1bn each year. There are over 3,210 consumer magazine titles in the UK, of which reach 87% of the adult population.

Over 40% of the UK's publishing revenue is from physical books alone, which suggests a rise in popularity of digital books (ebooks). The value of physical children's book sales from the UK to North America increased by 60% between 2008 and 2012, whilst sales to Sub-Saharan Africa grew by 12%.

It is easy to see that the publishing industry is one of the largest and most promising sector for a creative person to land themselves in - especially living in the UK.

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