Source of the following information: Graduate Job Hunting
(A brief summary of what the website offered)
A lot of things can blindside creative graduates upon leaving university: the image of remaining penniless as a starving artist is actually quite daunting to any already non-established artist, and the temptation to do yet another degree in hopes of improving your chances is ever there; however, it's important to understand that there must come a time that you become independent and get a chance to spread your wings. This is not to say that you become a sterile professional - you have to remain part of yourself, offer a friendly face to customers instead of a clinical appearance.
All experience you earn is good experience, yes, but don't throw yourself at people begging for them to provide you with a chance; you can't earn nothing from your work forever, that has to change at some point and you do have to retain a little pride every now and again. That being said, don't remain too proud that you forget those who you went through education with; university is an awesome networking chance, and without a network as an artist you are basically nothing. Keep up with people and so allow yourself access to greater clientele - as selfish as that seems.
And finally, don't let the starving artist image haunt you too much - it's good to go out with realistic expectations, yes, but pessimism can douse your confidence and leave you unable to pitch your work to your target market.
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